License: App & Game

App & Game License Terms

End-user license agreement for providing a font license for “Mobile Appplications, Web Applications and Video Games”.


Please read the following terms and conditions of the License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) carefully before installing the software products. By downloading, installing copying, or using these software products, you agree to these terms! Any breach of this Agreement or use of the software products and fonts without a valid license will result in legal consequences as stipulated by applicable law.

1. General Provisions

1.1. 50Fox (hereinafter referred to as the “Licensor”) possesses all necessary authority to grant the rights outlined in this Agreement.

1.2. This Agreement becomes effective and binding on the date the Licensee pays for the rights to use the Font. The payment amount is specified in the invoice provided by the Licensor.

1.3. Payment constitutes the Licensee’s agreement to comply with the terms of this Agreement. Additionally, the commencement of Font use implies the Licensee’s acceptance of this Agreement and all its terms.

1.4. The following terms and definitions apply to this Agreement:

1.4.1. “Font” refers to a graphical and design work, represented by the external images of alphabetic, numeric, service, and pseudographic characters, embodied as a computer program that allows the installation of the font onto a workstation, server, or web server, enabling programs or operating systems to generates typeface and typographic designs and ornaments.

1.4.2. “Font symbol” denotes an image of the alphabetic, numeric, service, and pseudographic characters that constitute the Font.

1.4.3. “Font file” is a computer file containing a description of the character set used to display these characters (e.g., text) by a program or operating system.

1.4.4. “Licensee” refers to the individual or entity acquiring the rights to the Font.

1.4.5. “Workstation” is a hardware component in which an individual is able to give commands (whether by keyboard or otherwise) that are followed by the Font Software or implement the Font Software, regardless of the location in which the Font Software resides.

1.4.6. “Commercial Product” refers to an electronic document or data file created using the Font Software, which is offered for distribution to the general public (or a subset thereof) for a fee, other consideration, or as part of your business activity.

1.4.7. “Editing Rights” refers to the right to add to, delete from, and make changes to the text of an Embedded Document.

1.4.8. “Embedded Document(s)” is an Internal Use document into which a whole or partial copy of the Licensed Font Software has been incorporated.

1.4.9. “End User” is a person or entity that accesses a Licensed Server or receives an Embedded Document from you under an End User Agreement.

1.4.10. “Use” of the Font Software occurs when an individual can give commands (whether by keyboard or otherwise) that are executed by the Font Software, regardless of where the Font Software resides. “Use” also occurs when the software or instructions are executed.

1.4.11. Any terms used in this Agreement that are not defined above will be interpreted according to the context of the Agreement. If an unambiguous definition is not provided within the Agreement, the Parties shall refer first to the Licensor’s website, and second, to general definitions available on the Internet.

2. Usage

2.1. Under the “Mobile Application, Video Game, and Web Application” license, the Licensee is granted the following non-exclusive rights to the Font:

2.1.1. The Licensee has the right to use the Font by embedding it in 1 (one) mobile application, web application, and video game. A single license covers all mobile applications, web applications, and video games developed across multiple platforms. This includes mobile applications developed for various platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows Phone; video games developed for any operating system, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and gaming consoles such as PlayStation, Xbox, and Exeq; and web applications developed with various platforms including React, Laravel, Ruby, Angular JS, Django, Salesforce, and Node JS.

2.1.2. The right to distribute the font as part of the mobile applications, web applications, and video games. The Licensor does not impose any restrictions on the distribution of the Mobile application with embedded fonts.

2.1.3. When transferring images or documents with embedded Font symbols to an End User, the Licensee must notify the End User that the Licensor holds the copyright to the Font and inform them of the usage restrictions specified in this Agreement, including the prohibition on editing. To prevent claims against the End User, the Licensee must provide the Licensor with the End User’s information and a copy of the image or document. The Licensor may not use the provided image or document for its own purposes, including marketing, without the End User’s permission. The End User is not obligated to purchase a separate license. The use of such an image or document by the End User without a separate license will be lawful, provided that the conditions and restrictions of this Agreement are met, including the prohibition on transferring Font files.

2.1.4. Licensee has the right to modify the Font symbols, provided that the Licensee (and the End User, subject to clause 2.1.3. of this Agreement) has the right to import the Font symbols into a graphics editor and change their graphics.

2.1.5. The right to publicly display images of the Font symbols in mobile application, web application, and video game.

2.1.6. The right to make a reasonable number of backups of the Font solely for archival purposes, provided that the Licensee retains control of such copies. Any backups made must contain the same copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices included with the Font.

3. Restriction of Use

3.1. Embedding the Font into documents (such as EPS, PDF, and others) intended for commercial distribution in electronic books, magazines, or other electronic publications is prohibited.

3.2. Using the Font files in mobile applications that allow users to create PDF files, documents for text editors, tables, static images, scalable images, advertisements, and other similar files, or in applications that are server components, is prohibited.

3.3. Reproducing images of the Font symbols in logos is prohibited.

3.4. Displaying images of the Font symbols on social media with commercial activities is prohibited.

3.5. Displaying images of the Font symbols in audiovisual works, including any film or video material (such as television broadcasts), titles, and inscriptions, is prohibited.

3.6. Installing the Font on a server to provide multi-user access is prohibited.

3.7. Installing the Font on the server and combining them into “Premade Products” is prohibited.

3.8. Using the Font in Internet advertising campaigns by embedding the Font files in Base64 encoded format into digital advertisements is prohibited.

3.9. Distributing the Font files with hardware or software is prohibited.

3.10. Modifying, renaming, changing the character composition, rebuilding, or otherwise altering the Font is prohibited.

3.11. Copying the Font, except in the cases specified in this document, is prohibited.

3.12. Distributing the Font to the public is prohibited. The Licensee may not post, install, or use the Font files on computers, mobile devices, servers, web servers, or websites of other companies or individuals. They may not place the Font files on the Internet, lend them, rent them, or transfer them to another user, unless the entire set of delivery, including the Font file, license rights, usage manual, printed materials, and backup copies, is fully transferred. In such a case, the Licensee must destroy all copies of the Font and its documentation in their possession and notify the Licensor in writing of the change of licensee.

3.13. Individuals who have not entered into a Licensing Agreement with the Licensor may not distribute goods, works, or services containing the Font, the rights to which belong to the Licensor.

3.14. The rights granted in this Agreement are provided to the Licensee without the right to transfer or assign them to other individuals, except as provided in paragraph 3.13 above.

4. Liability

4.1. If the Licensee violates any clause of this Agreement, the Licensor has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement. Upon receiving written or electronic notification, the Licensee must destroy all copies of the Font and its relevant documentation. Retaining or using the Font thereafter will be considered a violation of exclusive rights.

4.2. If the Font becomes available on computers, mobile devices, servers, web servers, or websites of other individuals due to the actions or omissions of the Licensee, the burden of proving the inadvertency of such actions lies with the Licensee.

4.3. Using the Font without a valid license agreement, outside the scope of this agreement, or for any other violation of exclusive rights will result in corresponding liability as stipulated by applicable law.

5. Warranties

5.1. The Font is provided without any express or implied warranties from the Licensor, including but not limited to, commercial warranties and warranties of fitness for any particular use. The Licensor shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use the Font, nor for the provision or lack of support services related to the use of the Font.

5.2. If you encounter problems with the Font, we will work with you to the best of our ability to resolve these technical issues. The Font may only be returned if found defective within 30 days of purchase.

5.3. In no event will the copyright holder be liable for any consequential or incidental damages, including but not limited to, lost revenue, profits, goodwill, or savings, nor for any claims made by third parties.

6. Term of the Agreement

6.1. This Agreement is valid for the duration of the exclusive right to the Font and applies to all countries worldwide.

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